Damian ready for cage fight debut

By Wednesday 28 May 2014 Updated: 28/05 15:47

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Damian Rees (centre) is put through his paces by Brian Lowe and Craig Rumming of Rugby Thaibo Martial Fitness (s)

MARTIAL arts enthusiast Damian Rees is to take part in his first cage fight in aid of a children's hospice charity.

The 33-year-old will compete in the Fight UK White Collar Mixed Martial Arts fight on Sunday (June 1).

"This is a big thing for me,” he said.

"I've actually never been in a proper one-on-one fight as such, and I've never been the spectacle, everybody's going to be watching me.

"It is pretty scary. It's relatively safe, we'll be wearing head guards and shinguards, but I could get knocked out or I could knock the other guy out."

Organisers Fight UK, who will use the fight to raise money for the Rainbows Children's Hospice charity, invited beginners to go through eight weeks of free training before going up against each other in the arena.

But lifelong Rugbeian and former Paddox and Ashlawn pupil Damian, who works for addiction support group Addaction, has also roped in some local experts to help get him in shape.

"I've been doing additional training with Rugby Thaibo Martial Fitness, Viking Warrior Nutrition, Rugby Mixed Martial Arts and Smart Therapy Studios," he said.

"The training that I've been doing in the last few weeks has made me realise that I don't like getting hit in the face! It's really tiring."

The Fight UK White Collar Mixed Martial Arts fight takes place at Hinckley Football Club. For tickets email .

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